تعداد نشریات | 20 |
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تقنیة الحلم وتحفیزها اللغوی فی روایة "وحدها شجرة الرمّان" لسنان أنطون | ||
لسان مبین | ||
مقاله 3، دوره 14، شماره 52، تیر 1402، صفحه 47-64 اصل مقاله (1.15 M) | ||
نوع مقاله: مقاله پژوهشی | ||
شناسه دیجیتال (DOI): 10.30479/lm.2020.11566.2872 | ||
نویسندگان | ||
احمد عادل ساکی1؛ محمد جواد پورعابد* 2؛ رسول بلاوی3؛ علی خضری4 | ||
1گروه عربی، دانشکده ادبیات ، دانشگاه خلیج فارس بوشهر، ایران | ||
2هیات علمی- دانشگاه خلیج فارس | ||
3عضو هیئت علمی دانشگاه خلیج فارس | ||
4عضو هیات علمی | ||
تاریخ دریافت: 26 شهریور 1398، تاریخ بازنگری: 21 اردیبهشت 1399، تاریخ پذیرش: 28 اردیبهشت 1399 | ||
چکیده | ||
تقنیة الحُلم غالباً ما تُوظّف فی روایات تیّار الوعی باعتبارها طاقة شعوریّة تکشف جوانب مهمّة من حیاة الشخصیّات الذهنیّة والنفسیّة، وتحفیزاً لغویاً هامّاً یسهم فی سیر مفهوم الحُلم (اللاوعی) فی الروایة. إنَّ دراسة المحفّزات اللغویّة فی الروایات الحُلمیّة تلعب دوراً بارزاً فی تحفیز سیاق الحکی وإثراء دلالة النصّ وفهمه. نظراً لطبیعة التحفیز اللغویّ القائمة على الکشف عن الحوافز المدرجة فی السرد الحُلمی، تسعی هذه الدراسة عبر منهجها الوصفی- التحلیلی إلی ولوج عالم السرد فی روایة "وحدها شجرة الرمّان" للروائی العراقی سنان أنطون لتتحسّس مطبّات اللاوعی فیه، عبر دراسة التحفیز اللغویّ لأحلام الروای الموظّفة فی الروایة والتی تعکس خوائه النفسی أو شعوره بالقلق والخوف فی وطنه الجریح، وذلک لغرض التمکّن من فهم المسارات الدلالیّة المتمثّلة فی الروایة من منظار رؤی رمزیّة؛ وقد توصّلت هذه الدراسة لنتائج منها أنَّ هذه الأحلام ظهرت علی مستویین: أحلام منامیة وأحلام یقظة خاضعة للتدخّل، ترتقی إلی مستوی الکوابیس، مرتبطة بالتمظهرات السیاسیّة الاجتماعیّة الألیمة الناتجة عن الاحتلال والاحتقان الطائفی، کما استنتجت أنَّ المقاطع الحُلمیة التی أوردها الکاتب تخدم حبکة الروایة، فهی لم تکن لتجسید رغبات مکبوتة بل مهرباً نفسیاً ومعادلاً موضوعیاً فی حیاة البطل ومأساته، بالإضافة إلی أنَّ الکاتب قد وظّف أقسام التحفیز اللغویّ المتمثّلة فی التفتیت والاغتراب اللغویّین وأنواعهما فی تقنیة الحُلم وذلک لدوره الفاعل فی بناء نسیج المقاطع الحُلمیّة. | ||
کلیدواژهها | ||
الروایة التیّاریة؛ تقنیة الحلم؛ التحفیز اللغوی؛ سنان أنطون؛ "وحدها شجرة الرمّان" | ||
عنوان مقاله [English] | ||
Dream technique and language stimulation in the “Alone pomegranate tree” novel by Sinan Anton | ||
نویسندگان [English] | ||
ahmad adel saki1؛ mohammad javad pourabed2؛ rasool ballawi3؛ ali khezri4 | ||
1Arabic Language and Literature, Persian Gulf University, Boushehr, Iran | ||
2persian gulf university | ||
3pgu | ||
4Persian Gulf University | ||
چکیده [English] | ||
Extended abstract Writing in the manner of "stream of consciousness" refers to a narrative technique in which the thoughts and emotions of a narrator or character are written so that the audience can follow the course of continuous changes in that character's mental state. The audience can hear the characters' inner thoughts when they are written in "stream of consciousness" form. In this technique, language is frequently employed in unconventional ways to re-create the intricate path of a character's various thoughts. Dreaming is another technique of this type of narrative that, as an emotional potential, reveals essential aspects of the mental and psychological life of the characters and aids in reconstructing a character's various thoughts. A critical language stimulus that aids the dreaming process (unconscious) in this type of novel, the use of language stimuli is a way to demonstrate the fluidity of human thought. It plays a pivotal role in advancing the narrative and enhancing the meaning and comprehension of the text. This descriptive-analytical essay seeks to enter the world of narration in the Iraqi author Sinan Antoon's Wahdaha Shajarat al-Rumman (The Pomegranate Alone) by analyzing the role of linguistic stimuli in reconstructing different thoughts of personality and introducing them to the readership. Therefore, the concealed unconscious angles of the novel's characters are disclosed through the use of linguistic stimuli in the narrator's dreams. The dreams indicate the psychological emptiness of the personality or the feeling of anxiety and fear toward his wounded homeland to understand the process of creating meaning in the novel with a symbolic analysis. Sinan Antoon's novel Wahdaha Shajarat al-Rumman (The Pomegranate Alone) is founded on stream-of-consciousness narration. Imagination and imagining are two of the mechanisms employed in this work. The authors also attempt to introduce the audience to the nuances of this technique and the author's talent in employing it by illuminating comparative examples taken from the novel, which is based on the dream and imagination of the protagonist's mind. This descriptive-analytical investigation is based on Sinan Antoon's The Pomegranate Alone (Wahdaha Shajarat al-Rumman). From the very first chapter, it is clear that this novel devotes special attention to mental fantasies. Furthermore, 14 of the novel's 54 chapters contain references to fantasizing. Through statistical and analytic analysis of comparative examples of imagination in this novel and the use of linguistic stimuli from the narrator's dreams as comparative examples, this study intends to disclose the concealed unconscious angles of the novel's characters. According to the reviewed comparative examples, dreaming in Wahdaha Shajarat al-Rumman (The Pomegranate Alone) manifests on two levels: directly (dreaming during slumber) and indirectly (dreaming during wakefulness). A visionary is a narrator who is inspirational on both levels. Based on a stream-of-consciousness style, this dreaming has effectively shaped the narrative texture of the novel. The mental experiences of fictional characters, which are concealed in the subliminal strata of their minds, are revealed in the narration by the narrator. This dreaming resembles a mental drama with a strong presence in the novel's structure and a pivotal role in formulating the novel's theme, which is the narrator's sense of nostalgia. The results of this study indicate two levels of dream manifestation: dreams in the state of sleep and dreams in the state of waking up to the verge of nightmares, all of which are associated with the agonizing social and political phenomena resulting from occupation and sectarian tensions. The passages where the narrator employs the dreaming technique also serve the novel's narrative. This technique is utilized to visualize repressed desires and as a psychological retreat and objective correlation between the hero's life and tragic catastrophes. Finally, the author used a variety of language stimuli, including language fragmentation and lexical nostalgia. Keywords: Current novel, dream technique, language stimulation, Sinan Anton, Alone pomegranate tree. References The Holy Quran. Abdul Rahman, Abdul Hadi. (2008) Dirasat fi Alrumuz Wallughat Walostora The coding game (Studies in Symbols, Language and Myth). 1st edition.Bayrūt: alaintishar alearabi. Abdullah, Yahya. (2005). 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کلیدواژهها [English] | ||
Current novel, dream technique, language stimulation, Sinan Anton, Alone pomegranate tree | ||
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