تعداد نشریات | 20 |
تعداد شمارهها | 393 |
تعداد مقالات | 3,199 |
تعداد مشاهده مقاله | 4,446,090 |
تعداد دریافت فایل اصل مقاله | 3,003,864 |
دراسة المخططات الحرکیة فی القرآن الکریم من منظور اللسانیات المعرفیة («مِن» و«إلی» الجارتین أنموذجًا) | ||
لسان مبین | ||
مقاله 1، دوره 14، شماره 52، تیر 1402، صفحه 20-1 اصل مقاله (1.61 M) | ||
نوع مقاله: مقاله پژوهشی | ||
شناسه دیجیتال (DOI): 10.30479/lm.2022.17563.3427 | ||
نویسنده | ||
محمدحسن امرائی* | ||
استادیار گروه زبان و ادبیات عربی دانشگاه ولایت ایرانشهر | ||
تاریخ دریافت: 25 تیر 1401، تاریخ بازنگری: 26 مهر 1401، تاریخ پذیرش: 11 آبان 1401 | ||
چکیده | ||
علم اللغة المعرفی هو فرع جدید من علم اللغة یدرس اللغة فیما یتعلق بالقوی البشریة المعرفیة الأخرى. هذا النهج، الذی حظی باهتمام متزاید فی علم اللغة فی العقود الثلاثة الماضیة، یعتبر اللغة کتعبیر عن النظام البصری للعقل. إنّ المخططات التصوریة هی أنماط متکررة ودینامیکیة للتفاعل الإدراکی والحسی الحرکی للإنسان، والتی تتکون من تجارب ذات مغزى تکون مفیدة للغایة فی علاقات الإنسان مع البیئة المحیطة به. فی السیاق ذاته، فإنّ الحرفین الجارین "مِن" و "إلی" اللذین یعادلان کلمتی "از" و "بهسویِ" فی الترجمة الفارسیة وینقلان مفهوم "البدایة" و"النهایة"، لهما استخدامات استعاریة مختلفة فی القرآن الکریم. تناول هذا المقال، بناءً على نموذج لایکوف وجونسون، باستخدام أسس الدلالات المعرفیة، المخطط المرئی للحرکة التی أنشأها حرفان جاران "مِن" و "إلی" فی القرآن الکریم. ویشمل النطاق الموضوعی لهذه الدراسة کل االمواضع التی ذکرت فیها کلمتا "مِن" و "إلی" معًا فی القرآن الکریم بأکمله. ومما یجدر بالذکر أن هذین الحرفین بمعناهما المرکزی دخلا مجالات مفاهیمیة جدیدة من خلال الاستعارات والمخططات الحرکیة وخلقا شبکة من المعانی العقلیة المختلفة التی تأثرت بتغیر العامل وسیاق النص. تشیر نتائج البحث إلى أن الفضاءات الدلالیة لحرفَی "مِن" و "إلی" لقد کسرت إطار المعانی القاموسیة وقُدمت على مستوى أعلى منها. لذلک، فإن الشبکة الدلالیة للحرفین المذکورین، بصرف النظر عن المعنى الأساسی لـ "البدایة" و"النهایة"، تشمل أعضاء آخرین للمعانی مثل: النقل والرحلة من الأمور المجردة مثل الکفر والإیمان والروح و ... إلخ. کما قد أخذ هذان الحرفان الجاران، مع بعضهما البعض، نوعًا من مهمة التخطیط وقاما بتوضیح مخططات الحجم والحرکة والقوة والاتجاه التی تم فحصها بالأدلة القرآنیة. | ||
کلیدواژهها | ||
الدلالات المعرفیة؛ المخططات الحرکیة؛ حرفا «؛ من»؛ و«؛ إلی»؛ الجارتان؛ استعارة السفر؛ القرآن الکریم | ||
موضوعات | ||
پژوهشهای زبان شناختی در زبان عربی | ||
عنوان مقاله [English] | ||
A study of movement schemas in the Holy Quran from the perspective of cognitive linguistics ("من and "فی" as a model | ||
نویسندگان [English] | ||
mohammadhassan amraei | ||
Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Iranshahr University | ||
چکیده [English] | ||
Extended abstract This article aims to analyze the path schemas created by the two prepositions of “مِن” /ˈmin/ and إلی“” /ˈilaa/ in the Holy Qur'an from the perspective of cognitive linguistics, relying on the model of Lakoff and Johnson. This article tries to examine the path schemas (two prepositions of “مِن” and “إلی”) in the Holy Quran from the perspective of cognitive linguistics, and the scope of the research includes all cases in which the two prepositions “مِن” and “إلی” are mentioned together in the Qur'an. The research data are taken from the Holy Quran. From this point of view, all the situations in which the use of “مِن” and “إلی” are mentioned in the Holy Qur'an in terms of combination have been selected and, relying on the descriptive and analytical approach, haven analyzed in terms of conceptual metaphor and abstract meanings in them. Cognitive linguistics is an approach to natural language analysis that considers language as a tool for arranging, processing, and transmitting information (Muzaffari and colleagues, 2020: 43). When users of a language establish a linguistic connection, they process the information they have especially, give them special order and then pass it on to others in the form of linguistic expressions. (Dahman, 2015: 19-20) Cognitive linguistics is an approach to language study that studies the relationship between human language, mind, and social and physical experiences (Muzaffari and colleagues, 2020: 46). The path scheme is one of the most important conceptual schemas devised by the European theorist Mark Johnson (1947) (Faydi et al., 2022: 111). Movement is one of the most important and unique human experiences that provide him with many of his life needs. Everything effective in a person's life also affects language (Battini, 1990: 58). In addition to the movements that are done in an objective and realistic way, some movements are not tangible and physical but are done abstractly and conceptually. There is a concrete example of this: the path we must take to obtain our academic degree. This path requires abstract and intangible movement. The results of the research indicate that the semantic spaces of the letters “مِن” and “إلی” have broken the framework of lexical meanings and were presented at a higher level than them. Therefore, the semantic network of the two mentioned letters, apart from the basic meaning of “beginning” and “end”, includes other members of meanings such as transport and journey of abstract matters such as disbelief, faith, soul and ... etc. With their central meaning, these two letters entered new conceptual fields through metaphors and movement schemes and created a network of different mental meanings that were affected by the change in the factor and the context of the text. In this regard, the movement scheme consisting of two prepositions of “مِن” and “إلی” in the Holy Quran is a part of the big scheme of “life as a journey,” which is through conveying the movement of abstract things such as “darkness”, “light”, “misguidance”, “guidance”, “return” are expressed and show the purpose of human life and the necessity of walking towards the end (meeting with the Lord of the worlds) with some systematic verbs such as “to go out”, and “to devise”. Moreover, “climbing”, “moving”, and “secret exit”. Keywords: Cognitive semantics, movement diagrams, two prepositions of “مِن” and “إلی”, travel metaphor, the Holy Qur’an. The References Bateni, Mohamadreza. (1990). Language and thought, Tehran: Contemporary culture. Dahman, Omar. (2015). Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Literary Discourse, First Edition, Cairo, Vision for Publishing and Distribution. Faydi, Zainab, Hussain Muhtadi, Syed Haidar fare Shirazi and Hussain Fakih. (2022). Mapping the elements of the experimental field of “journey” to the elements of the metamaterial field of “afterlife” in the metaphorical pattern of “the afterlife is a journey” in the Holy Quran. The quarterly journal of lesan-E Mobin, 13th year, new period, 48th issue, summer, pp. 109-134 Muzaffari, Soudabeh, and Ali Aswadi, and Nilufer Zariwand. (2020). Analysis of Surah “Kahf” based on cognitive semantic approach, The quarterly journal of lesan-E Mobin,12th year, new period, 42nd issue, winter, pp. 4-57. | ||
کلیدواژهها [English] | ||
cognitive semantics, kinetic diagrams, the vowels “ من” and", إلی", The Noble Qur’ an, travel metaphor | ||
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